Default Actions

In this article, all the default actions will be explained and visualised.

This article will explain what the default actions do. Currently, the following actions are shipped with EpicMenu:


Create New Empty

As the name says, this action will simply create a new Empty GameObject:


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Create New Cube

Again, as the name suggests, this creates a new cube at the origin:


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Deselect All

This one is self-explanatory aswell, deselects all selected objects in the hierachy:


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Reset Scene Camera

This Action resets the scene camera to its default position so you can get back to the start if you are lost somewhere in the scene:


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Move GameObject below to Origin

This action is pretty interesting. It resets the GameObject beneath the Center Point of the EpicMenu to it's origin. It demonstrates the capability of making use of the Center Location of the EpicMenu to influence the Action. In this Guide on How to create a Custom Action, the Move GameObject below to Origin Action is recreated to show you how to do so. Here it is in action :


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Toggle Inspector Lock

This one let's you toggle the Inspector lock, but without the need to click that tiny little Lock:


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Remove Duplicate Index from all Objects

This action probably needs to be explained. When you duplicate an object in Unity, it gets suffixed with an (1),(2),...(xyz). This can be anyoing and with this action, ALL these suffixes get removed an all objects:


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Remove Duplicate Index from Selection

Similar to the action above, this one removes the suffixes aswell, but only of those objects selected in the Hierachy :


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That's it for now, keep checking by as this list may grow with further updates!